As you begin 2025, you’ve probably had an opportunity to reflect on the highs and lows from last year, and you may have set fresh intentions for the new year.
Do your goals include: improving your mental health, your emotions, or your spiritual health? If so, keep reading!
Last January, as I began my Bible reading in the book of Genesis, I noticed a series of questions we can use to check-in with ourselves to evaluate how we’re really doing, whose voices we’re currently listening to, and how to get back on track (when needed).
In Genesis chapter 3, Adam and Eve have sinned, eating from the fruit of the forbidden tree. For the first time in their lives, they experience a flood of guilt, fear, and shame. God finds them hiding among the trees in the garden and asks them three questions:
Where are you? Who told you…? and What have you done?
These three questions provide a powerful and much needed reflection for Christian teen and young adult women…especially when we are in busy stages of life. And, honestly, every stage of life comes with its own busy-ness…whether you’re a student, transitioning to career and family, or balancing all. the. things!
So, I invite you to take 2-3 minutes, grab a journal and pen (if you want), take a deep breath, and answer this first question as you check in with yourself:
Where are you?
Be honest with yourself. Where do you find yourself right now in this present moment? Not where you hope to be in the future. Not where you were 3 months or 5 years ago. But where are you right now?
Are you running? Hiding? Hurting? Avoiding someone or something? Procrastinating? Feeling content? Overthinking? Thriving? Drowning? Something else?
Do you feel near to God or far away?
As you check-in with yourself, determine: are you where you want to be? If not, why not? What do you need in order to get back on track? (I encourage you to be brave, do the hard thing, and ask for help if you need it.)
Once you have located where you are and have an idea of how to get back to where you want to be (if needed), ask yourself the second question:
Who told you?
Notice what thoughts, words, or phrases you hear most often in your mind. What voices, people, or influences are you listening to? What are you believing about your current situation? What are you believing about yourself or your season of life?
Are the phrases limiting you or giving you life? Are they bringing you fear and anxiety or peace of mind?
Do they reflect the heart and character of the God of the Bible? If not, this is an opportunity to take those thoughts captive and renew your mind.
You may be surprised to know that you have the power to choose which voices you allow to stick in your mind and which ones you kick out.
Choose words and life-giving phrases you’d like to replace those life-draining ones with. Maybe search for a verse that speaks to your fear or reminds you of your value and worth, and say it out loud each morning.
Once you’ve identified the voices that need to go, now ask yourself:
What have you done?
Is there any willful, repeated, or unconfessed sin in your life? Confess it. Call it what it is and agree with God that it is sin.
As believers, we know sin affects our peace, our joy, our relationships with others, and our intimacy with God.
Maybe ask Him to reveal to you any unconfessed sin in your life. Repent and confess whatever He brings to your mind.
Give it a try!
I’ve used these journal prompts regularly over the past year, and I would encourage you to consider them for yourself! I find them to be especially helpful when I feel overwhelmed or “off” and can’t quite pinpoint what’s going on inside me.
Drop me a DM and let me know how it goes!