Coaching for Parents

Coaching for Parents

Parenting can be hard! It’s easy to feel defeated. Especially if you’re parenting after trauma or you’ve got a challenging or difficult child or teen.

You don’t have to do it alone.

I empower parents of angry children and teens with practical strategies and therapy tools you can use at home to decrease your child’s outbursts, increase their emotional-control, and improve your connection.

Whether your child or teen is in counseling already or they’re unable or refusing to see a counselor, do not fear. There is still help and hope.

You and I can work together to equip you with tools and strategies you can use on your own at home! Many parents find much help and relief as they work with me to pinpoint problem areas and work toward establishing a new perspective and new patterns of relating.

We all could use some parenting help. No problem is too big or too small.

Parenting kids with big behaviors…and parenting after trauma…often requires unique parenting strategies.

If what you’ve been doing isn’t working, I can help you find the right perspective and a new plan of action in your parenting.


Contact Today

8255 Macon Rd
PO Box 1512
Cordova, TN 38018
(901) 296-3277

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